Discover what millions of believers have learned about the power of Christian Meditation.
What exactly is
Christian Meditation?
Created by Believers, for Believers – Christian Meditation is based upon the timeless biblical practice of stillness, contemplation and reflection. We provide believers with in depth guided meditations to still the mind and encounter the Love of God. Watch our video to learn more out how to start meditating today!
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Biblically With Scripture

Why is Christian Meditation
so powerful?
Our products at are one of a kind. We have teamed up with powerful Christian leaders to create guided Christian Meditations and meditation music that is designed intentionally to facilitate your encounter with God. This is truly a product created by believers, for believers out of necessity. There is no other product exactly like this in existence, and we hope that your time spent meditating will be as powerful as ours as you move from Glory to Glory. Meditation has proven scientific benefits based upon countless research studies such as the re-growing of the brain’s grey matter and increasing positive emotions while decreasing negative ones. Science has proven that a positive view of God has profound spiritual, physical and psychological implications. This is truly the hero’s journey, join us as we grow together!
Change your thoughts through
Christian Meditation.
We are all born into an imperfect world, programmed with thought patterns through our parents, culture, and even religion that are not the Highest Truth. Our meditations at allow you to dive deep into your heart, and to discover what is blocking you from moving forward. These are usually thought patterns and conditioning brought on by your journey thus far on the Earth, but YOU have the power to change your thoughts and learn to love yourself. Proverbs 23:7 says as a man thinks, so he is. You have been gifted with the power to create, and your thoughts and words create your world. If you are ready for a change and a fresh encounter with the Living God, let our Christ Centered Meditations help facilitate your journey into the fullness of what Christ has for you. We must first heal ourselves before we can heal others, join us on the journey of transformation with Christian Meditation.
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