Our Story

Christ centered meditation takes your focus off of your problems and centers it back onto the solution.

Born out of our own personal pain, discover the reason why we created ChristianMeditation.com and our mission to help alleviate human suffering worldwide.

Our Background

ChristianMeditation.com was created by Believers, for Believers. Born out of our own personal pain, and a deep knowing inside that there had to be a way out of our own physical and emotional suffering, we began our journey. After researching the scientifically documented benefits of meditation and how it has been proven to create remarkable changes in the human mind, heart and physical body, we knew that this product had to be released corporately to the Christian world.

This was not an easy journey, as one of a pioneer rarely is, but we embraced our own suffering and partnered with Powerhouse Christians around the world to create a meditation product that is truly life changing. These meditations are part of a paradigm shift in Christianity taking place globally where we are re-claiming true Biblically based meditation for the Body of Christ. We are beginning to re-discover the lost art of contemplation, stillness, reflection and meditation that were practiced by the followers of Jesus and the devout, monks and mystics for centuries after His death.

The Future

Jesus frequently left everyone in the Gospels and went to be alone with the Father, so that he could hear what the Father was saying. Jesus said, I only do what I see the father doing John 5:19. In our world jam packed with computers, iphones, and stimulation from every angle - it is more important now than ever to learn how to retreat into the inner world of our consciousness and learn to hear and see what the Father is saying and doing.

It is our hope that the products we have brought into the world will help you connect with your Loving Father, and to facilitate internal change from Glory to Glory where you will truly know the meaning of the words in John 14:20 "On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you."

The Vision

We are all born into a fallen world, programmed with thought patterns through our parents, culture, and even religion that are not the highest Truth. Our meditations at ChristianMeditation.com allow you to dive deep into your heart, and to discover what is blocking you from stepping into your destiny. These are usually thought patterns and conditioning brought on by your journey thus far on the Earth, but YOU have the power to change your thoughts. Proverbs 23:7 says as a man thinks, so he is. You have been gifted with the power to create, and your thoughts and words create your world.

If you are ready for a change and a fresh encounter with the Living God, let our Christ Centered Meditations help facilitate your journey into the fullness of what Christ has for you by changing your heart and mind. The Greek word for repentance is Metanoia. The definition of repentance according to strongs dictionary is “a change of mind, change in the inner man.” We must first heal ourselves before we can heal others, join us on the journey of transformation with Christian Meditation.

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